So the last trip that i went on was to Gothenburg City in Sweden. The city itself wasn't terribly impressive because it is a port town and very industrial. The people were so stereotypical though and we loved it. Everyone was blond and at least six feet tall. We found out that one of the days that we were in the city there was a massive labor parade taking place. So... we set out to go find some swedish people to socialize with at the parade.
At the parade we met a couple groups of people and one directed us to the greatest Swedish meatball restaurant in existence. I know that i talk about food a lot in my posts, and this one won't be any different. Well it was one of those meals that panics you because your so afraid that it will end before your full . I shamelessly vacuumed up the food in front of me like a bulimic elephant alone in a room with a mound of peanuts. Needless to say I think you know what happened next. I wiped my face clean and headed for a celebratory bonfire that the swedes were having that night.
At the bonfire, we met this really interesting group of people. We started talking, and they asked if we wanted to hang out in there apartment. So of course we went with our safest option and said "okey dokey" and followed these people through the woods to their apartment. When we got there we talked for a while and everything was going great (Except for the fact that they were all a foot taller than us) UNTIL the girl who owned the apartment came over to me and insisted that if John and I wanted to stay we had to pick a dance from her "Big book of American dance moves" and perform it. I told her no, of course, and we started to argue until she told us to leave. We of course did the intelligent thing, and stayed. I sat in my chair listening to that girl go on and on about dance moves, verbally raping my eardrums until i couldn't take in anymore. I looked over at John who was engaged in what seemed to be a one sided conversation about women's rights, and i realized it was probably time for us to leave. We said our goodbyes and left.
In the park we walked through to get home we came across a free zoo which was fun. Seals, Moose, the works.
Anyway, that is the exciting conclusion to my adventures in Europe. Can't wait to see you all.